
Photo of Necropolis of Cerveteri

Necropolis of Banditaccia in Cerveteri

One of the most impressive Etruscan sites in Italy is located in Cerveteri in the Province of Rome. Here the vast necropolis date back to a long time, with the Villanovan culture from the 9th century BC, before the Etruscans culture until the 3rd century BC.
The main site is the Necropolis of Banditaccia. It has thousands of graves that are distributed on an almost urban plan, with neighborhoods, streets and squares. It covers 400 hectares! the visit area is «only» 10 hectares and totals nearly 400 tumulus. Some tombs are monumental, carved into the rock, then topped by impressive circular tumuli. Others are house-shaped, some have bas-reliefs or contain wall paintings.

In the Province of Viterbo, a little further north, there are also other remarkable sites of the Etruscan civilization: Tarquinia, Vulci, Norchia, San Giuliano, Castel d’Asso, Blera, San Giovenale, etc.


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