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Renaissance and modern monumentsThis section is devoted to the remarkable monuments of Rome, beyond the great basilicas such as Saint Peter and the monuments of antiquity that are the subject of dedicated sections. Travelers' Map is loading... If you see this after your page is loaded completely, leafletJS files are missing. This huge mass of white marble in the center of Rome, called "typewriter" by the Romans, is the Victor Emmanuel II Monument, also known as Vittoriano, built around the early 20th century to celebrate the recent unification of Italy under a single ruler and its first king, Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy. Ponte Sant’Angelo The Ponte Sant’Angelo (Saint Angel’ Bridge) is based on the foundations of the ancient Pons Aelius, the ancient bridge that led to the Mausoleum of Augustus from the plain of Campo Marzio, now Castello Sant’Angelo. Renovated during history, it is one of the most beautiful in Rome, due to the presence along the parapets of the statues ... | ||||||
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