
Taxis in Rome

Call a taxi in Rome, taxi rank location, map, miscellaneous information, fares and more.

Tourist Buses in Rome

110 Open Trambus Rome

If you want, discover Rome with the hop-on hop-off tourist buses with terrace: route, comparison of companies' offers, tickets booking

Connections between Rome and Fiumicino and Ciampino Airports

How to reach the airports of Rome, Fiumicino and Ciampino: Bus, subway, train and taxi.

Subway (Metro) and Buses in Rome

ATAC Roma Information on public transport in Rome: bus and subway fares, schedules, maps and directions.

Rome by scooter

scooter à Rome Visiting Rome by scooter is a very good solution to explore the city, although it is not without risk! Rental scooters, booking a guided tour in motorcycles and other vehicles.

Cruises on the Tiber and aquatic activities

Croisière sur le Tibre à Rome See Rome from another point of view, on a boat traveling along the Tiber, the River of Rome. There are dinner cruises on some boats, and even "boat-bars".

Traffic in Rome

General information on traffic conditions in Rome: ZTL zones closed to traffic, opening hours of the centre, parking, accidents, traffic.

Map of Rome subway

Plan du métro de Rome Metro map of Rome and main regional train or railways

Buses map of Rome

Bus maps of Rome, city center and exterior, night bus, stations, route planning and schedules