Province of Viterbo

The city of Viterbo is a beautiful destination of Lazio, especially for its religious heritage and its medieval quarter.
Its province, which also extends around Lake Bolsena, is particularly rich in Etruscan sites, but also in villages of character such as Cività and Sutri, or small medieval towns such as Orte, Tuscania or Tarquinia. It also includes much of the historic Tuscia region, an Etruscan territory characterized by beautiful countryside, wooded hills and ochre tuff outcrops. It retains its own identity and character, which indigenous people pride themselves on.
Etruscan archaeological sites are numerous and fascinating, with necropolis dug into the tuff cliffs. It was also in the sixteenth century the territory of the Farnese family, who built palaces and castles everywhere, which distinguishes the Villa Farnese of Caprarola.

What to see in the province of Viterbo

The most interesting places (see also the page on Etruscan sites) :

  • Viterbo including its medieval district of San Pellegrino, the Palace of the Popes and the cathedral, the archaeological museums, as well as the nearby Villa Lante.
  • The limpid Lake Bolsena, ideal for family relaxation, with its beaches, villages such as the medieval Bolsena, the charming coastal villages of Marta and Capodimonte, or Montefiscone with its rocca overlooking the lake and the Abbey San Flaviano.
  • The pretty little Lake Vico with its wooded banks, and the medieval village of Ronciglione.
  • Sutri: village with multiple aspects, from Etruscan necropolis to Roman monuments (amphitheater dug in tuff), medieval, etc.
  • Caprarola with the Villa Farnese, a medieval fortress transformed by the Farnese family into a sumptuous residence
  • Orte: medieval town of Etruscan and Roman origin on the border with Umbria whose historical heart is well preserved and the ancient underground can be explored
  • Park of the Monsters, also known as Sacred Wood
  • Cività di Bagnoreggio is one of the most beautiful villages of Lazio for its remarkable site, perched on its tuff rock that is reached by a bridge
  • Tuscania: beautiful medieval village with remarkable religious buildings
  • Tarquinia: the necropolis and the beautiful village, as well as the site of the ancient city
  • Cività Castellana is an interesting little town with a beautiful cathedral, former capital of the Falisci Italic people close to the Etruscans- in the region called Agro Falisco.
  • The villages of Nepi, Castel Sant’Elia, and between the latter and the ancient Falerii, the necropolis along the Via Amerina
  • Etruscan and archaeological sites:
    1. Norchia : Etruscan remains scattered in nature around an ancient acropolis
    2. Necropolis of Tarquinia, with frescoed tombs
    3. Vulci : roman city previously an Etruscan city state
    4. Other Etruscan sites : Castel d’Asso, Blera, San Giuliano, San Giovenale (See also the dedicated page).
  • Nearby in the region of Umbria towards the border of Lazio one can make beautiful discoveries. Starting with the town of Orvieto with its beautiful historic center and especially its exceptional Gothic cathedral, then the medieval towns of Narni (including its underground) and Amelia who also kept cyclopean walls dating from antiquity.


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