
In Rome, the typical bar is small and serves an astronomical amount of coffee, often taken standing at the counter, in a minute when one is in a hurry. Tight, espresso is appreciated with small sips.
Coffee comes down to a single format in most countries. On the other hand, the counter of an Italian bar often brings together an eclecticism of variations of coffee and cups. It would take a manual to know all the versions and nuances of coffee in Italy, which sometimes has local variations.
So coffee can be served in many forms: espresso which is the default format (already very tight for a english), ristretto which is even tighter, lungo which is an elongated espresso, maccchiato with a cloud of milk, corretto with a ladle of grappa (strong alcohol), doppio for a double espresso, al vetro to be served in a glass cup, and sometimes completo means espresso with chocolate, see also whipped cream and/or ice cream. Beyond, one also serve marrochino (Moroccan), cappuccino (espresso elongated with milk foam), milk can be latte freddo (cold milk) or latte caldo (hot milk).

Our addresses for a good coffee

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Barnum Cafè

The Barnum is a good little coffee with quality products, great for having breakfast